
by Lumindata Inc


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TipGenie is a mobile payment app that lets you easily tip service industry professionals anywhere and anytime.It's especially great for those in industries that often don't receive well-deserved tips, such as hotel maids & staff, handymen, mechanics, plumbers, valets, car washers, baristas, restaurant staff, etc
It's cashless, secure and convenient for tippers who often don't carry cash, and for service industry professionals who don't accept credit cards directly.
But there's more ...
TipGenie is also a review/rating leaderboard that ranks service industry professionals by tips received as the best measure of great service.
These rankings serve as a means for customers to recognize the best service professionals. It also helps service professionals boost their resumes with validation of their competency. Employers are also able to identify top performers among their staff, and prospective employers can identify great candidates.
Additionally, tippers are rated and leaderboard ranked by their tips as a measure of generosity, which allows service industry professionals to identify their best, most valuable clients, and to reward and thank their favorite customers with special service offerings.
TipGenie, tip with love ... anyone, anytime, anywhere.